For further information, please call 877-343-2856 or email

The Carns-Davidson-Carns Family Profile

We would like to adopt a child between the ages of 0 and 9 inclusive. We are open to boys or girls. We can accommodate a sibling group of up to 2 kids. We prefer to adopt a child of Caucasian, Hispanic, Native american, Pacific islander, African American, Biracial or Mixed ethnic background. We are open to children with many, many special needs. We do not mind having contact with the child\'s biological parents (by email or by mail ) provided the parent was/is not abusive to the child. We do not mind having continuing contact with the child\'s former foster parents, by email or by phone or by mail . In general, We are looking for a sibling couple, preferably boys, who do not have physical problems, and mild to moderate emotional problems are ok. We are looking for fun loving, affectionate siblings that wouldn't mind an older brother.


Our names are Amber Carns and Amber Davidson-Carns. I am currently 27 years old and was born in California. My partner is currently 27 years old and was born in Arizona. We have one child. Our child's name is Nathaneal and he is almost 9 years old. Our child enriches our family with their caucasian and hispanic ethnic background. I like to go fishing, play video games, outdoor activities, do things with my family, and read. We like to go on family outings, bike riding, and go to the park. She likes to read, shop, outdoor activities, listen to music, and do things as a family. I work part time at Skiff Hospital as an ER tech, part time at a vape shop, and go to school to become a paramedic. I am half way through. My wife works full-time for Pet Kingdom as a Dog Groomer and has a flexible work schedule. She also works part time as a massage therapist. We are animal lovers, so we choose not to use or eat any product that may have caused harm to animals, or mistreated animals. We are a treat others as you would want them to treat you, but not necessarily turn the other cheek. We believe in standing up for yourself and what you believe in. Good manners and public behavior are important as well as education. Laughter is the best medicine in our family. We definitely like to have fun and laugh with each other. We have taught our son to not be a bully and stand up for those that are being bullied. We do not have any spiritual beliefs. We choose not to shove religion or the like down the throats of others and allow our son to come to his own conclusion with time. We live life like any other normal American family. We have fun, we enjoy freedom, and we treat people like people. We go to work, pay our bills and taxes, and send our kid to school. We have some plans for him to attend college, or training school, but he is still so young. We used to watch football and cheer for the Arizona Cardinals since we are from Arizona. Now we really don't watch sports often. We like to watch funny shows and even cartoons on cartoon network. Amber C is more into horror movies and Amber D-C is more into comedies. We are very versatile when it comes to music, we like several different genres. Amber C was more into country music until Amber D-C came into her life, haha. Rock and metal were introduced. We also like popular music like P!nk, Lady Gaga (Nathaneal's favorite), Jusitin Timberlake, and so on. We can't really name musicians we like because we just love so much music. Amber D-C enjoys classical every now and again as well. When we gather, we usually gather in the living room. We like to watch movies or shows together. When we clean, we clean the house together. We like to surf youtube for interesting bits of information (ie the planets in size comparisons to the suns) or watch funny things. We play games together, both electronic and board. Homework is done after school, as well as guitar practice, and journaling. We also have Nathaneal read 20 mins after school. We have recently been taking classes at the YMCA several times a week. We take time to travel together as a family.

Home and Community

We live in the State of iowa. Our home is a duplex. We live in a City/Urban neighborhood. We are not very close to our neighbors. We have 2 dogs , one cat and a ferret .

We like to go to park. We go to the park after school when the weather is nice. We also take trips to the library and allow him to pick out his own books. Sometimes we take him to lakes to run around and have fun. We like to go camping too. Bike riding is a favorite in our neighborhood. We are going to the YMCA several times a week for exercise and interactions. It's really kept us active. There are several parks to choose from, although we prefer a particular park. There is also a pool, which we haven't checked out yet. There are a quite a few lakes that have fishing, playgrounds, and open spaces to play. The community we live in is off the street so bike riding is fairly safe here. Mostly playing outside, going to the park, swimming, or video games are the popular choice among kids here. The school system is great here! The education is set at a high degree, I am in touch with Nathaneal's teachers and get a report on how his day was at the end of every day. The teachers have to physically see a parent to allow the child to go, which is nice. I drop Nathanal off at school every day as well as pick him up. We do not belong to any organizations.

Parenting Experience

I have co parented Nathanal for the past 6 years. I also worked for two companies that helped physically and mentally handicapped people learn to live on their own and make good life decisions. She is the biological mother of almost 9 year old Nathaneal who has never been separated from her. I like to make sure and talk things through. I also listen well. If I am frustrated or angry, I am very good with walking away and coming back to the situation later. She likes to talk things through as well. Explanations are a part of who she is. She is a good listener and is good at follow through. She has used the rewards and consequences board to aid in choice making for Nathaneal. She is good at making him responsible for his actions whether they are good or not so good. Nathaneal wasn't the easiest child to raise, and we still aren't done, although he isn't as hard as most. However, we are confident we can get through it because we are a team. We are not quitters either. We have a strong support system with our friends and families and I think that makes us strong enough to think we can do it. Amber C has experience working with people to have mental and physical disabilities. We will be more busy and have to start getting ready for any activity earlier than usual. Nathaneal will not have undivided attention anymore, and I don't know how he will react to that, although he loves kids. There will definitely be an adjustment. Amber C has CPR, EMT basic certification, medication management, training with how to subdue an out of control person with injuring anyone, and mandated reporter with a level 1 fingerprint clearance. Amber D-C has CPR training and 1st aid. This training will help in the event of choking, getting hurt in any way, saving someone from themselves when their emotions get the best of them, and reporting someone if she is suspicious of any inappropriate behavior.


We do not, but that is why we are staying in close contact with our adoption specialist. Children not in school will attend day-care. I don't think we will have to MAKE Nathaneal help with the adjustment, Nathaneal is very friendly and NOT shy. He will always approach a chance to play and offer his toys. He will love showing off his pets, room, and where is "brothers" will sleep. However, we will also have him give them their space as to not smother and freak them out. Physically, we have friends here, and we have family from out of state that are our support system. We can get support from the support groups here in our state, through Iowa Kids Net.

Motivation to Adopt

We want to adopt because we want to expand our family. We are both able physically have children, but thought that adoption was better for us. Amber D-C had a harder life growing up so she knows where these kids could be coming from and we would love to give two children a good, safe home. We also want Nathaneal to have siblings. We started talking adoption about two or so years ago. We are committed because we have gone through the whole process already. We have taken time, energy, and money to get through the classes required. We made sure to comply with all home study requirements. We set up our support system and have had long talks with our son about it. We have waited and go on frequently to find children who are a match for us. We have gone through, several times and spend hours on writing the same thing over and over so specialists can get to know us. We have both taken phsycological classes to help with when we finally do get placement. We wouldn't work so hard if we weren't serious about it. Yes, we are nervous, but it is worth it. We are definitely ready to have more children in our lives and be there for children who need a family.