For further information, please call 877-343-2856 or email
Natalie and Michael
Natalie and Michael

Natalie and Michael

Basic Info


Age: 38


Age: 41

Child Preferences

Age: Infant to 5 years old
Sex: Either
Max Number of Children: 2
Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian, Native American, Hispanic, Pacific Islander, Mixed, Bi-Racial
Special Needs: Animal Allergies, Asthma, Drug Allergies, Environmental Allergies, Food Allergies, Physically Aggressive to Other Children, Defiant, Difficulty in Attaching, Difficulty Making Friends, Encopresis, Lying, Manipulative, Poor Social Skills, Self-Abuse, Stealing, Suicidal Attempts, Tantrums-Severe, Wets the Bed, Drug Addicted at Birth, Failure to Thrive, Fetal Alcohol Effected, Low Birth Weight or Premature, Prenatal Drug Exposure, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Physically Disabled-Mild, Hearing Impaired, Speech Delays - Mild, Vision Impaired, Anorexia/Bulimia, Hoarding, Overeating, Pica, Academically behind due to poor attendance, Cognitive Delay - Mild, Has Behavior Problems in School, Mild Learning Disabilities, Speech or Language Impairment, One/Both Parents Diagnosed with Depression, One/Both Parents Diagnosed with Schizophrenia, One/Both Parents Have Alcohol Addiction, One/Both Parents Have Drug Addiction, One/Both Parents Diagnosed with Bipolar, Exposed to Domestic Violence, Child in Residential Treatment, Child has had a disrupted adoption, Multiple Placements, Residential Treatment History, Parents Willing to Seek Guardianship, ADHD, Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disorder: May Require Surgery, Hemophilia, Adjustment Disorder, Autism, Bipolar Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Depression, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Reactive Attachment Disorder, Requires Medication For Psychiatric Condition/Mental Health Diagnosis, Requires Counseling/Therapy, Animal Abuse, Destructive of Property, Fire Starting, Runaway - Occasionally, Willing to Maintain Contact via Mail with Bio Family, Willing to Maintain Contact with Past Foster Parents, Willing to Maintain Contact with Bio Grandparents & Other Relatives, Willing to Maintain Contact with Bio Siblings, Child Identifies as LGBT, History of Sexually Acting Out, Sexually Abused in the Past, Sexually Active, Alcohol Use


State: Illinois
Neighborhood: Suburban
Residency: Single Family Home
Years Together: 6
Children in the Home: 0
Pet(s): Dog(s)



Occupation: Quote Process Leader


Occupation: District Sales Manager

Adoption Agency

Gaurdian Angel